Instant: Jun 4th, 2019 0.000504 BTC ($3.86) Batch id: 3ec1901a33bfcb991b356a9496a52fac8afc6e07ec51a5687122f60cd844c950
Paying: 04.06.19 16:10 Received Payment 0.8 USD from account U20674563 to account U7051739. Batch: 264893983. Memo: API Payment. Rombus Group.
Instant: Jun 2th, 2019 0.000504 BTC ($4.37) Batch id: c9d5387d74f9f785bccdbf3c71793c2f820350b1b2c09d7ee9008a60c4fce757
Paying: 02.06.19 17:56 Received Payment 0.8 USD from account U20674563 to account U7051739. Batch: 264475787. Memo: API Payment. Rombus Group.
Instant: Jun 1th, 2019 0.000504 BTC ($4.31) Batch id: 2d578296a523f530bf3e9b74c67a38d08c9986bbd5d904ceafb286680fc67bb1
Instant: May 31th, 2019 0.000504 BTC ($4.26) Batch id: 646d8648cd02f958653908a7af7d669ec5568e0b86ae033d319630ada2a17d93
Paying 31.05.19 16:16 Received Payment 0.8 USD from account U20674563 to account U7051739. Batch: 263739853. Memo: API Payment. Rombus Group.
Paying 27.05.19 16:40 Received Payment 0.8 USD from account U20674563 to account U7051739. Batch: 262822564. Memo: API Payment. Rombus Group.
Paying: May 25th, 2019 0.000504 BTC ($4.06) Batch id: 6de514d993b4f95a6a86041bcaccd1c24d1c56ff0d2dcd32dc633ad8658a376c
Paying: 25.05.19 19:43 Received Payment 0.8 USD from account U20674563 to account U7051739. Batch: 262556268. Memo: API Payment. Rombus Group.
Paying: 24.05.19 21:09 Received Payment 0.8 USD from account U20674563 to account U7051739. Batch: 262407813. Memo: API Payment. Rombus Group.
Deposit: 23.05.19 15:49 Sent Payment: 100.00 USD to account U20674563 from U7051739. Batch: 262157240. Memo: Shopping Cart Payment. Rombus Group.
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