Проблемы My advice to you would be to turn

Тема в разделе "Список проблемных/неактивных/закрытых программ.", создана пользователем MMODavid, 11 Июнь 2020.

  1. MMODavid

    MMODavid Новичек

    I can not be. Glass cleansing lockdown defender that NBA MT Coins also shoots better than nearly all of the sf and pf. 17 badges and 75 3pt is mad to me that is 3 archetypes in a single construct and it destroys NBA 2K imo. Obviously being a large man you get high ratings in the close shot and standing dip by default but the same should be mentioned when it comes to shooting since you're a big man, by default your shooting should be worse.

    Provided that u agree. Aside from that, very solid construct. Height/weight? I made since Dwight Howard is my center of time a Paint Beast center construct. Such a pity having to mostly go against Steph Curry from the rec. I hope in 2K21 if you've got a high 3 pt, your rebounding goes down, and you only have 3 gradual Jumpshot alternatives. Yeah if a center has a high 3 they need ton't be powerful in the paint, so it is dumb my build can manage paint beasts when I made a finesse centre.

    I didn't spend VC, made 1 construct when this season began. Played off and on, when I do play I play ALOT haha. I always feel as though centers are fastest to level up. I'd love to follow in your footsteps (now running a rebounder/defender construct that gets 20+ boards a game but struggles to put more than 10 pts/game), got any tips? Set screens and hover mid range round. When I could, float to corner 3s. Having all of the shooting badges is enormous for my own build. Because you're good at rebounding, utilize the putback badge to get some simple points after offensive rebounds.

    My advice to you would be to turn off meter asap as meter lags hard within this 2K. I can not shoot no where near with it, meter off. Unlock habit jumpshot creator. I feel just like some shot made in custom jumpshot creator with a high% green base will be wetter than any ordinary shot. However, utilize 38 and 98 until you get custom jumpshot creator. I just get so upset I can get slightly early and marginally late each time. Do you just go by feel then? How much time does it take to get the customized jumper? It is tiring being a Scoring Machine which can not score lol.

    I made it around a match once I began for my group. Yeah habit for me is a must to be very consistent. Utilize a top% green base and two distinct releases you like.now lets not get too ahead of ourselves and think about 12/25 a good game even after going mad and moving 12/12, nobody on my team is likely 0/13, Im not passing you the ball at that point. Additionally who df you play that allows you shoot 25 shots, and take below 50%.

    I wish I can upvote a number of times because some folks just don't understand my dude. You shot beneath.500 complete and thats total just like what exactly was your 3's contrasted to other shots? You could not have won this game unless your spouses picked up the slack. I hope u played hella defense, racked up rebounds the place you place yourself in off&defensively n has been dishing like magic.If anyone becomes beyond 0-9 and is still online then 2K would be to blame. That and people sabotaging games is why I threw in the towel on NBA 2K. It sucks too cause I could've definitely used some quality online basketball in this stupid quarantine.

    I agree. I played with somebody who everytime he got the ball, would chuck up a full-court/halfcourt shot. Never got kicked to buy mt coins. Wish 2K would implement a vote-to-kick system or only have better algorithms to comprehend shit like that. Maybe make it a D and then they can get kicked. Sometimes a player gets a C- however, he isn't really trash only a couple things that are bad occurred. I would say let the D get kicked before halftime however, you don't have to wait long.

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  2. Ewemcls

    Ewemcls Любитель

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