Тема в разделе "Реклама, Объявления", создана пользователем Vsem, 12 Декабрь 2018.

  1. Vsem

    Vsem Топ Мастер ПРЕМИУМ

    The Research Institute’s mission https://atu.kz/ is providing research and testing of food and processing industry products in accordance with the quality and safety requirements, assistance in training the scientific personnel meeting the modern requirements.
    The Institute purpose is effective research planning system, participation in training the highly qualified personnel.
    Institute performs:
    • monitoring the quality of raw materials and products in the course of manufacturing process (grain, milk, meat products, etc.);
    • fulfillment of certain types of physico-chemical and microbiological analyzes;
    • assisting the educational process in the course of implementing the experimental work of the students, undergraduates, a PhD students;
    • development and improvement of testing, planning, processing methods and analysis of experimental results;
    • providing methodological and advisory assistance;
    • holding the course: "Training the experts on modern instruments and equipment".
    The Institute has a high-precision equipment with software for testing the food products samples:
    • highly effective liquid chromatograph «Agilent-1200" with a diode array and a fluorescence detector;
    • BIK analyzer "Infralum FT-10";
    • Mineralizer, Minotaur-1;
    • Spectrophotometry PD -303 and KFK-3-01;
    • Voltrammetric analyzer ABC 1.1;
    • Capillary electrophoresis system, "Kapel 105- M ';
    • Gas chromatograph, "4000 Crystal";
    • Atomic absorption spectrometer, "QUANTUM-Z. ETA " et al.

    "Food Safety" accredited testing laboratory

    The decision of the "National Accreditation Center" which is a party to the ILAC MRA agreement in the field of laboratories accreditation, Technical Regulation and Metrology Committee of the Ministry of Industry and New Technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan the "Food Safety" Testing Laboratory is accredited by the Accreditation System of the Republic of Kazakhstan for compliance with the requirements of the ST ISO RK / IEC 17025-2007 "General requirements to the competence of testing and calibration laboratories" (accreditation certificate number KZ.I.02.1127 on March 11, 2011).

    Scientific and research laboratory for food quality and safety assessment (SRL FQSA)
    The SRL FQSA performs R&D in the safety of food raw materials and products for which the security parameters have been set.
    The main objectives of the SRL FQSA activities are the following:
    research of a wide range of topical issues in the field of safety of food products in Kazakhstan;
    participation in development of scientific and technical programs of Kazakhstan projects, international grants and research funds;
    participation in training of the highly qualified specialists on the issues related to the food safety in Kazakhstan;
    participation in the educational process using both modern science and own research;
    development and strengthening of the material and technical base of educational process and scientific research.

    The Meat Processing Training and Research Center
    https://atu.kz/ Functioning of the meat processing training and research center allows the highly qualified specialists training and research based on integrated education, science, industry and international best practices for human and science and innovation resources to ensure the food industry in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
    The Center is equipped with the latest achievements in sausage and meat production. The meat cutting, boning, trimming, salting processes, raw meat mincing, forming, heat treatment and storage of ready-made sausages and meat products is fully organized.
    The Center is equipped with the following: heat chamber (MC-3/1 M100), freezer KHN-9 table mincing machine La Minerva AE-22, hydraulic syringe La Minerva CE INS/32, table meat mixer ha Minerva C/E MM -30, cutter Talsa K 15, manual injector, table vacuum massager Suhner VT -20, vacuum packer, table clipper "Corundum clip" 1-25P, operating tables, 2-cell washing bath for raw materials etc.
    The researches and developments of young scientists generated at the center constantly participate in various competitions, exhibitions, not only at the national but also at international level. The Master and Doctoral students are annually awarded the gold, silver and bronze medals and diplomas on the Russian "Golden Autumn" agro-industrial exhibition (Russia, Moscow), International "Dairy and Meat Industry" exhibition, local exhibitions "Karaotkel", "Altyn Dastarkhan", "Kazakhstan Food Market” etc.
    The Milk Processing Teaching and Research Center
    The Milk Processing Training and Research Center is intended for production of dairy products, farmer cheese, different types of cheese and ice cream. It is equipped with the following equipment: 2 tanks for milk and sour milk products, Bertoli homogenizer, heater, filling machine, corking machine gun, centrifugal pump, cheese complex, mozzarella facility, press for cheese, freezer, separator, mixer, Dzhenvey device and racks.
    The Center scientists work on the modes and methods for production of new types of diary products: yogurt, farmer cheese, cheese, ice cream of various types and recipes including national dairy products, as well as laboratory and research works on milk and dairy products technologies for the doctoral candidates, graduate students.
    The grand opening of the Grain Training and Research Center was within the framework of the International scientific-practical conference: "Innovative development of food processing, light industry and the hospitality industry" on October 12, 2012. The opening ceremony was attended by guests from leading universities and scientific centers of 12 countries: Kazakhstan, Great Britain, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Spain, Italy, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, the Republic of Korea, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan.
    The center is equipped with the unique equipment from Italy, Germany and France meeting modern bakery requirements. The functioning of the Bread Training and Research Center is one of the major achievements and holds great promise for implementation of scientific research of the university scientists in the production; seminars and workshops provided by the representatives of leading companies of Kazakhstan.
    The commercialization of researches: high level scientific and creative potential of the university is being actively developed in the University.
    It allowed offering the food and processing industry enterprises approximately 10 innovative projects during the last five years to improve the technology, the seed, bread quality, out of which 5 are being produced. Among them the improved system of slotted aspiration has been implemented at the JSC "Altyn Diermen", the ion and ozone grain and paste handling technology - at the “KazBestGray" LLP, the technology of new types of corn bread production - at the "Aksai" LLP.

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